Political Punk / Folk Banjo
My People Are Rising
The homepage song of FCC-silenced San Francisco Liberation Radio.
Hey, Rich King Midas
I used to think the story of King Midas was a gross exaggeration of greed. But now we have a president who would gladly turn forests, rivers, and children to gold for his personal enrichment.
Turn This Train Around
The Union Grand
Theme song of the Million Worker March on Washington, DC.

Sold Down The River
The anti-WTO song played in continuous-loop from the Steelworkers' billboard truck during the WTO protests on the streets of Seattle.
Talking New Patriotism Blues
... I must have got confused
'Cause I turned in to vote at the wrong flag.
Who Owns Your Dial?
The Change
(C) Zoo Chernos 2014 Produced by JP Bowersock